Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today's Poem

Today's poem is the antithesis of haiku--loud and shallow.

April 29th
angry today. Easily
irritated too.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 28
I seethe at summer
traffic brought on by morons
in suits and sandals

Monday, April 27, 2009

Haiku for Monday

April 27
Not much on t.v.
to watch today. Think I'll go
watch tides change instead.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Haiku for Sunday

April 26
Ah, crap on a stick.
Rattle just rejected two
sonnets. Resubmit!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today's Haiku

April 25
To the guy riding
the T with sunglasses on--
it's dark underground

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today's Haiku

April 24
Except the poet
spring brings naps for all
even pigeons on the porch

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Haiku for Today

April 23
Sang Finnegan's Wake
to my newborn baby girl
Lyrics now make sense

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Haiku for Wednesday

April 22
Walking through the park
I was chased by a robin
singing happily

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 21
Tomato seedlings break earth first
beating peas to see the sun

Monday, April 20, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 20
Stale city exhaust
at least the scent of country cows
moved with the wind

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today's Haiku

April 19
If only I could learn again
as does a newborn in April

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Haiku for Saturday

April 18
Would that windows could
be left open to the street
Inside air stifles

Friday, April 17, 2009

Haiku for Today

April 17
Pigeons perch outside
on the balcony railing
A cat lusts, licks lips

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today's Haiku

April 16
Today's spring poem should
have been written earlier

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 15
Springs appears to be
time for poets' suicides
Rebirth? Not for all.

For Sarah Hannah and Deborah Digges

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 14
Seagulls wing through salt-
scented air, but land only
to eat the garbage

Monday, April 13, 2009

Haiku for Monday

April 13
High winds heavy seas
spring at sea thrills me
Ah, that poems could do as well

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 12
Singing to babies
father must ensure
lyrics are appropriate

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Haiku for the day

April 11
Tides are high with rain
while rivers flood with snowmelt
Time for planting herbs

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today's Haiku

April 10
Bicycles come out
They'll probably see less use
than even last year

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Haiku for the Day

April 9
These lessons forgotten
and relearned today--
Let sleeping babies sleep sound

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today's Haiku

April 8
Painting pretty eggs
and baking cookies with kids
are boring pastimes

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Poem for today

April 7
Today is alone
and even the seagulls sing
soothing melodies

Monday, April 6, 2009

Haiku for National Poetry Writing Month

I forgot all about NaPoWriMo. I intend to write haiku. A poem a day is the goal. My first six are below.

April 1
DC has the cherry blossoms
We have mud season

April 2
In the calmness of morning
how wonderful my daughter’s pictures

April 3
My bamboo grows high
but not from measured care

April 4
There are no birds flying
during April showers

April 5
Rain floods driving streets
soaking Boston walkers

April 6
Umbrellas are plentiful
but often inside out

New Published Poem

Wilderness House Literary Review has posted their new issue! You can check out my poem "Eden--A Brothel Near Gdynia" at this link.* I encourage you to check out the whole issue at

*Direct PDF link

Full poem after the break.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Review--Highlander: the Source

AAAAAGGHH! Urgh, ugh, ugga, aack, eraaack, aaataa.*

*the sounds my brain made as it tried to strangle itself.

Rest of the post after the break.

The movie is STUPID.

Now that that is out of my system, I can continue. I am a huge Highlander fan. I have been since roughly 1992 when I saw the first Highlander movie on tv as a precursor to the then new tv series. I saw the abominations that were II and III, and began to think of Duncan from the tv show as the only real Highlander. Now, after having suffered through both Endgame and the Source, I am re-evaluating my entire thought process.

I watched just about every episode when they aired or shortly thereafter. When the SciFi channel had them in rerun slots in the early 2000s, I used to watch them then too. My best friend and I had copies of Queen's It's a Kind of Magic and used to listen to "Princes of the Universe" while driving not long after we got our licenses. I had a Highlander poster and desperately wanted a repro-claymore and a dragon-headed katana. I own 3 of the seasons on DVD and am trying to collect the rest. I own all the movies (except the Source). I say all of this to highlight how much of a fanboy I was. I was so bad, in fact, I even made excuses for horrible plot holes and tried to rationalize everything stupid that has ever been done in the name of Highlander, including the spin-off tv shows.

So, when I tell you to think back to my recent review of Hawk the Slayer, and to consider what I wrote about Hawk being the singular worst movie I've ever seen, and then tell you, right now, that Highlander: the Source has promoted Hawk the Slayer to only the second worst movie I've ever watched, you'll have an idea of just how much I detested this loathsome film. There is nothing, and I will repeat that, nothing redeemable about this movie. The fact that the principle cast from the tv show would even remotely consider wanting to be associated with this mountain of rotted human sewage has lowered their esteem in my eyes to that of a bilge rat. I can't even bring myself to describe the asinine "plot" because the ideas are so atrocious that they make the idea that Immortals are aliens or time-travel agents (from II, and II--the Renegade Edition, respectively) seem completely sane and rational. If the Mythbusters were to do a comparison of plot-lines within the variant source material over the years, they would prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the idea of alien Immortals is not just plausible, but confirmed, all just to avoid even attempting to scientifically examine this crap.

If you have even one iota, one speck, one single modicum of support of the Highlander brand, or even if you have seen it and don't care either way, PLEASE don't watch this piece of intestinal muck. I'm not kidding when I say that the brand has been so tainted in my head as to make Jar-Jar Binks' effect on Star Wars seem like the most trivial nonsense. Han shooting first doesn't make me hate Lucas anywhere near as much as the Source makes me despise everything about the entire Highlander universe.

Have I made myself clear?


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Abandoned Chair

The Somerville News has my poem "Abandoned Chair" in the April 1st issue.

Poem after the break.