Friday, July 31, 2009

New Poetry Credit

Glass: A Journal of Poetry has published my poem "How to Achieve Immortality" in its latest issue.

Full poem after the break, too.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Check out my review of Paul Steven Stone's Book "How To Train A Rock."

Video also posted after the break.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Alright, so the poetry muse has left me currently dry for words. However, a new bug is buzzing in my ear, and that is DungeonLand! I'm in the process of designing a table-top roleplaying/board game for younger kids to help teach reading and basic math. Obviously I have an ulterior motive - that is to help teach my daughter to do those things.

I've been busy with this the last week, have a rough draft of rules currently being critiqued in various places, and have spent, all told, 24+ hours making art for it. Sadly, that accounts for only 5 creatures so far - four of the six basic characters and only one monster. That said, each successive creation takes less time but gets a little more complex, as is to be expected with learning curves. (A contact sheet of the images so far is after the break.)

You can see the rough draft of the rules at and I'd appreciate any of you RPG playing friends taking a look and being honest.